The Anzac Legend

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paragraph 1: what is the Anzac legend? on the 25th of April every year all Australians and New Zealanders gather together to comemorate. The word ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Amy Courps. In 1917 the ANZAC legend ment someone who had faught in the war, but during the second world war the meaning became a day which all Australians and New Zealanderd comemorate all the lives that were lost in the world wars. paragraph 2: some people argue that the ANZAC legend is just another excuse to get drunk, take the day off work or school and that we should get rid of it. Dead bodies, starvation, dehydration, bullets, blood and death.. think of this every time you wonder if we should get rid of the ANZAC legend because thats what the soldiers had to go through just so you …show more content…

These days kids aren't learning about who helped in WW1. When i think of the ANZAC legend i think of the white men who faught for us, i dont think of the women, aborignals and the chinese Australians, and thats wrong. How would you feel if your people or your gender didnt get aknolegde for what they have done for Australia. Back in the 1914's aborignal people didn't have as many rights as what they do now, so they wernt aloud to inlist in the war, and the ones that did were light skin aboriginals who said they were white. people say we should get rid of the ANZAC legend because of this, i just think we need to change it up a bit so we aknoledge all of the people who faught/ help us. pararagraph 4: why is it important to remember the ANZAC legend? It's important to remember the anzac legend because its part of your country's history. what if it was your mum, dad, sister or brother in ww1? I can tell you i would want people to remember, to remember the sacrvices that my family and I had to make. 41,6089 Australians and 120,000 New Zealanders enlisted in ww1. 536809 soldiers put all of us before their own lifes, i think we at least owe them

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