The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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What is the American Dream and why does it matter? The American Dream is the idea that any one person can achieve whatever any one person desires. The concept of the American Dream applies in a variety of ways throughout various types of literature. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby exemplifies both positive and negative aspects of the American Dream through his love for Daisy, his mysterious accumulation of wealth, and longing for acceptance within society. To begin with, the American Dream symbolizes a goal that someone strives to get or accomplish throughout the course of that same novel. The American Dream as described by James Truslow Adams, author of the book The Epic of America, when he says,“The American dream is …show more content…

Early on in the novel, Nick is able to identify that Gatsby had an “extraordinary gift of hope” that was something he had rarely seen. The gift refers to Gatsby’s longing and its significance hints toward Daisy never getting together with him again (Fitzgerald 6). Gatsby’s hope refers to the American Dream that so many people in the Twenties had, however Nick finds it extraordinary because he believes that they will never be together again but Gatsby is blind to that idea. Conversely, Tanfer Emin Tunc, author of the article “The Tragedy of the American Dream on Long Island’s Gold Coast,” states that the American dream is most prevalent in the novel by saying, “The innocence and hope with which Gatsby stares at the ‘green light that burns all night at the end of [Daisy’s] dock,’ is, like his own future, metaphorically shrouded in an impenetrable mist (61). In the end, Gatsby becomes Daisy’s victim, & a victim of the elusive American Dream” (Emin Tunc 4). Gatsby’s American Dream is reliving with Daisy, however it eludes him as it did to so many people, it corrupts him along the span of his life. The American Dream that Gatsby wishes to achieve pertains to his desire and love for Daisy however he is unable to realize that his Dream is not …show more content…

Gatsby’s desire for Daisy is apparent to Nick in the beginning of the novel when he notices his neighbor standing on his dock looking mesmerized by a green light, Gatsby is standing alone out on his dock, looking out at the sea. Nick notices that he reaches his arm out in an odd way toward the shadowy water. He also sees that the direction in which Gatsby reaches is toward a mysterious green light in the distance (Fitzgerald 25). Gatsby’s reaching out for Daisy resembles his reaching out for his American Dream. Due to, Gatsby’s affection for Daisy changes his personality in various ways, such as, “Believing that money is necessary to attract the object of his desire, Daisy Fay Buchanan, he remakes himself into a corporate magnate who acquires a great fortune. He relives the years when he and Daisy dated, thinking that his new money will return him to the happiness of his youth and the woman of his dreams” (Verderame 1). Gatsby changes his lifestyle as well as the way he acts through various methods so that he can his life’s desire. The American Dream is able to corrupt a person’s lifestyle as is shown in Gatsby because he feels overwhelmed by his love for Daisy and he is unaware of the corruption that is

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