The American Dream Discrimination

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The American dream is comprised of the ability to have financial stability, safety, a successful career, education, and peace of mind. Not all Americans have an equal opportunity to achieve their American dream because of discrimination, money differences, and no time to enjoy what they have. “ People are hurting, and as the pain grows, sharing it with others becomes more common” (Llopis,1). Even though someone may work as hard as they can,they might be able to have comfort, everything listed above comes into each and every one of our lives either to make things possible or make things harder.
Does Discrimination still happen to this day? Yes, whether it’s because the color of your skin to your gender. America has discrimination laws in …show more content…

Education however can be very difficult for people to have or achieve. Many people do not have enough money for college tuition. “83% of Americans say they can not afford college tuition”(Levaux,1). Some students do attend college, but won’t be able to pay off student loans. As a Hispanic high school student My education was disrupted by racial slurs and comments from fellow classmates, however,I was able to use that to my benefit I wanted people like me to feel comfortable no matter their race. The problem with this was that there were very few colored people or people from different backgrounds in school. The comments that were being made were disrupting my education I spent most of my time in guidance upset until the day I decided we should start a diversity club, from this point on I accepted who I was and embraced it. People don’t have equal opportunity to achieve the American dream to make this an equal opportunity things need to change. Gender should not play a role in how much money you get, race should not give people the right to be treated differently, financial stability should be allowed and obtained by those who need it most. America should stop being greedy with money and society should turn to be accepting to those of any race or gender. If we are to be judged,let us be judged by the effort and hard work we put into our lives,not how we look or what is being said by someone else. Is this the American dream you

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