The Amazon 's Dynamo

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5-5. Clearly, Dynamo, Bigtable, and Cassandra are critical technology to the companies that created them. Why did they allow their employee to publish academic papers about them? Why did they not keep them as proprietary secrets? Amazon created Dynamo when they faced problem related to their business. Similarly, both Bigtable and Cassandra were created when Google and Facebook encounter similar problem related to their business. In these three cases it is clear that, all these technologies are not made as part of their business strategies, they created these technologies to solve the problems they encountered. If these technologies were part of a business strategy, then they would keep these technology as proprietary secrets and also these technologies are created only to meet the requirements of their own business. Amazon’s Dynamo perfectly matches the business requirements of the Amazon and it is same for the Bigtable and the Cassandra. So it is hard for others to use these technologies for their business. In my opinion these are the reasons why they allowed their employees to publish academic papers about them and didn’t keep them as proprietary secrets. 5-6. What do you think this movement means to the existing DBMS vendor? How serious is the NoSQL threat? Justify your answer. What responses by existing DBMS vendors would be sensible? The existing DBMS will lose their market because they need to face more competitors and also databases of new competitors are much better and cheaper than the existing DBMS. NoSQL are called non-relational databases, which is not created by any software companies. The examples for NoSQL are Dynamo created by Amazon, Bigtable created by Google, and Cassandra created by Facebook. NoSQL supports... ... middle of paper ... ...s among the employees in the IT department. One fraction wants to use Cassandra, but another fraction wants to use a different NoSQL data store named MongoDB. Assume that you are Kelly, and Lucas asks for your opinion about how he should proceed. How do you respond? In my opinion, Lucas should proceed with Cassandra. If we compare both MongoDB and Cassandra, it is clear that Cassandra is better than MongoDB. Cassandra can support a massive amount of data, which is an important factor for AllRoad. Some people say to choose MongoDB because it’s perfectly suits and support all AllRoad business needs. It is true that MongoDB prefect for the AllRoads now, but when we consider the future of AllRoads it is better to proceed with Cassandra. For the future changes in business, they need highly adaptive and flexible databases, only Cassandra can provide that to AllRoads now.

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