The Allegory Of The Cave And Shooting An Elephant

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Xiuting Lin
Professor Nunez
Eng 1010 T8BF
Reality and Illusion Life is not easy and it is changing all the time. There are various sharp thorns in the life. Many people are afraid to face the hardships they cannot overcome themselves. Nora Ephron, George Orwell and Plato, three famous writers, represent three different views about how people attempt to escape the everyday struggles in life. Ephron’s “The Boston Photographs” details peoples’ reactions toward the pictures of death. Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant” tells a story about how and why a British officer kills an elephant after struggling with himself. Plato’s famous “The Allegory of the Cave” tells a story about a group of prisoners who live …show more content…

All of three essays say that people’s attitude toward the reality and explain the reasons why people like to stay in their “cave” and are unwilling to face the reality is because of their fear and ignorance. Moreover, “The Allegory of the Cave” and “Shooting an Elephant” are more similar because both of them use symbolism to expand notions and use allegory in their essay. In“The Allegory of the Cave,” the darkness, the shadows, and the sunlight all represent ignorance and enlightenment. The fire, the prisoners, the puppeter and the light all had abstract qualities that go back to mankind’s behavior and Plato’s argument. In the“Shooting an Elephant,” the elephant represent the British Empire. The death of the elephant symbolize imperialism of British Empire will fade and die off, as well as cowardice of the police and the ignorance of the …show more content…

Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” is in the form of allegory and is a fiction. Plato did not express his ideas directly; he used metaphors throughout the story. Every actions and setting he used as symbols and they all represent allegorical meanings. Plato uses his philosophical viewpoint to criticize people's cowardice and ignorance. “Shooting an Elephant” is a nonfiction essay. It is autobiographical and is narrated as a story in the form of an essay. Unlike Plato, George Orwell is telling his own experience; readers can recognize that human foibles through his description directly. For example, Orwell says, “I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool”(302). According to this quote, readers can understand that killing the elephant is not Orwell’s original intention. If Orwell does not fear listening to his own heart; if he has the courage to face reality; he will not kill the elephant. So, the biggest difference between these two essay is that readers can more easily get the author’s idea in “The Allegory of the Cave” than in the “Shooting an

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