The Alienable Rights Of Women Summary

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“The Alienable Rights of Women” by Roxanne Gay and “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Cofer complement each other because they both discuss how women are perceived and stereotyped by others/society. Both of these articles talk about different ways on how in which women are being perceived by society. They show how women face many different types of injustices through the use of stereotypes and misconceptions.
Gay’s article complements Cofer’s article by discussing how people/society have stereotyped women. It is stated in Gay’s article that “In certain circles, birth control is being framed as whore medicine.” (pg 71) This shows how in the eyes of society women are stereotyped as whores if they use birth control. People think they only …show more content…

Roxanne Gay talks about how the male population of politics tries to take control of the women of the world decisions to terminate their pregnancies. That women are seen as sexual deviants because they want use birth control. “In certain circles, birth control is being framed as whore medicine so we are now dealing with a bizarre new morality where a woman cannot simply say, in one way or another, “I’m on the pill because I like dick”(Gay pg 71). There are things that birth control besides the obvious, it can help regulate periods and other things. Yet the government purposely makes these things too expensive so women cannot get it and are forced to have the child. She discusses how the government will make things very difficult for women who decides to have an abortion. The government doesn’t see or understand how the women would feel about their pregnancy. The child could be made because of rape, or the woman could not at that time afford having a child. The government will then make the woman go through things like transvaginal ultrasounds or listening to the heartbeat of the fetus that they are about to abort. Women are put through psychological trials to go through with the decision and their plan is to scare them so that they chose not to go through with it. She also gives the example that shows that “pregnancy is at once a private and public experience. Pregnancy is private because it is so very personal. It happens within the body. In a perfect world, pregnancy would be an intimate experience shared by a woman and her partner alone, but for various reasons that is not possible.” (pg

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