The Affect of Divorce on the Family and the Children

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Since the divorce is a common issue that every society suffer from, especially recently, there are many studies about it and its effects on family members. A lot of studies that processed the effects of divorce on children within different ages. Many studies were in the USA, and recently there has been many researches in CGG countries too.

The first study conducted on a sample of Saudi society. This study purposed was to define the effects of divorce on children with different ages. He found out that children at the age of 3-5 are affected by the divorce more than anyone in the family. Divorce effects on their psychological and social development. They lose their sense of safety and stability after divorce. Furthermore, they might regress in behaviors like potty training and sleeping with security blankets. Also, they express anxiety, depression, anger and apathy. In addition, they prefer to play alone and look for more adult attention. (Al-Fawzan, 2010)

The second research done in the United States of America to examine the effects of divorce on 13,000 children ranging in age from toddler to adolescent. And, the research included children from “intact” families. The researchers used the interviews and the direct observation to find out how could the children be affected by the divorce, and compared between the children who went through the divorce and the other from the intact families. The result after analyzing was that toddler from divorced families question that all relations will not last forever. Moreover, they have regression such as bedwetting, nightmares and brief blanket holding or brief thumb sucking (Amato and Keith in 1991).

The third study’s propose was to analysis the causes of divorced and determine the risks...

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...ior that will be taken from observing his attitude in the house and kindergarten

- Step two, analyze the notes that were taken in step one.

- Step three, see if the child tends to express any of the following:

o Violence

o Lake of confident.

o Stuttering

o Introverts

o Bed wetting

o Whining

The expectations:

There are many expectations expect to get by the end of the research, however; they are not known till the research end. Here what is expecting to find:

1. Most of the children have psychological issues after divorce such as the lake of confident, violence, and introverts. Also, get afraid of being replaced and the absent parent will find a new child. There can be bewilderment involving the present and concerning the future

2. Some children have physical issues after divorce such as bed wetting and losing control of their bowel and bladder.

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