The Advertising Analysis Of The Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company

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Harley-Davidson has a one-hundred year plus history. William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson, created the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company in 1903. The company started in a shed in Davidson’s backyard. During their first year of production only three bikes were sold. The company has sustained its self through two world wars and countless recessions. Harley-Davidson also provided equipment to the U.S. military during both world wars. Over the last century the company has seen competition from around the world rise and fall. From the very beginning Harley-Davidson established it’s self as a leader in sport motor biking. The history of the company gives credibility (or ethos) to this particular compelling advertisement. World War II claimed over fifty-million lives, caused trillions of dollars of damage, and started the first nuclear war. Not many companies would use a depiction of these events to advance their marketing campaign. On the other hand, not many companies were actually around during those events that are still functioning today. The advertisement uses Harley-Davidson ethos to make commentary on these events. The poster itself gives factual background on the events that inspired the piece. Explaining how the Czech people coveted their motor bikes so much that they hid them away from the Nazi’s. The advertisement implies that …show more content…

The viewer hides from the members of the Third Reich behind a key hole as they rummage through the owners possessions. The viewer knows at any point the soldiers could uncover their hiding space. Once found, the viewer could possibly be tortured, imprisoned, or even killed. It is a very effective piece of graphic design. The sense of suspense the visual creates is palpable. Ironically, the advertisement suggests, the “key” to their freedom is hidden in plain sight of their oppressors. The poster also harken backs to the propaganda media that was used during the World

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