The Adventures and Tales of Robin Hood

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The legend of Robin Hood is widely known throughout the world. There are various literary works pertaining to the adventures and tales of Robin Hood. The main legacy that Robin and his band of merry men leave behind is the heroic concept of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. The tale has been around for hundreds of years, and is still a recurring theme used for different types of entertainment such as different movies, plays and books. As with most historical heroes the facts of their life may become slightly fabricated with the passing of time. This is especially true with the myth of Robin Hood. There have been many historians that have searched to find out where the true legend originated. In A Brief History of Robin Hood: The True Story Behind The Legend, Nigel Cawthorne states that Robin Hood “was born in Loxely around 1160 and was an active outlaw around 1193-4, then outlawed again in 1225 until his death in 1247”(46). Robin Hood is described as an outlaw who lives in the forest with his gang, the merry men. The merry men were other outlaws that helped Robin Hood with his heroic adventures. Hood is generally depicted as wearing green tights with feathers in his hat. He also carries along side of him a bow and arrow. The outfit of Robin Hood has however been slightly manipulated because the clothes he is depicted wearing had not even been designed until hundreds of years after his life span. The mysteries behind the legendary Robin Hood are endless. The major components to consider while looking into Robin Hoods past involves, his myths, similar outlaws, and the truth behind the legend.
In order to find the original Robin Hood, all the different myths have to be acknowledged and discarded until it can be narrowed...

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... the same theme: the ability to bring justice to a society that has been wronged by its rulers. The legend has become more of an idea that has been passed through many generations. Robin Hood was a hero and his story has changed significantly as time has passed. The legend has been able to adapt to centuries of different cultures and civilizations. Cawthorne’s expresses that “many of the themes and details of the tales of Robin Hood and his Merry Men have been borrowed from elsewhere, it seems clear that there was a seed of truth around which they coalesced”(53). As more and more time passes on it makes it even more difficult to pinpoint the true identity of Robin Hood. It is probable that the true identity of Robin Hood will never be found, even so, it is important to value the tales of the heroic outlaw and continue to pass along the legend to younger generations.

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