The Acura Advertising And Gender Stereotypes

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When did television producers get the right to make commercials towards different genders and why? The television developers saw it fit too understand that not all products sell to everyone. Television for all these years has showed us commercials that broadcast every single item we can get our hands on, however, as viewers, we lack to pay attention to the actors portraying different roles.
According to expert Steve Craig, commercials placed at certain times of the day are meant for certain genders. “The Acura commercial acts to reinforce male fantasies in an environment of clear masculinity and male domination” (Craig 186). This car commercial that comes on at night is for men. They view they have for the viewer is that they want the prominent …show more content…

It is viewed as a men's product. Television has a set market for men and women to sell products too. “As in the Weight Watchers commercial, it is the woman’s body that is portrayed as the source of the man’s attraction, and it is the woman’s body that is maintaining that attraction that she can successfully negotiate the relationship”(Craig 192). This commercial shows us a woman advertising her body too mans vision so that the consumer is a woman who wants to have the body too please her man. Television producers set that up too set up a market right their for beauty products to sell too woman and not men. Although companies can make more money by selling the products too both gender, they focus their commercials for a specific gender trying to establish and gain a specific audience. Women would not start buying trucks and other things that appeal to men since they aren’t the preferred audience. Men and women have different markets to buy from depending their interest. Stereotyping men and women into buying consumer products through commercials is wrong. Men and women may purchase and utilize anything but commercials put a wall in between to demonstrate which gender should purchase what product. During sport games the commercials are usually about men. Men drinking, men buying cars, and men going on vacation. This is done because television producers realize that men are the dominant source of income for these type of activities. It's wrong that women on tv are just viewed as house wives. Cleaning commercials are really appealing when it comes to this topic. They show women usually trying to fight off the stain and then having the baby in the background to show women a situation where they can relate too! This is major because they will buy the product believing that it should work the same way portrayed on television. It's offensive to show a scenario as such,

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