The Abyss In The Gospel Of Mark

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Throughout the Gospel of Mark, the primary insight portrayed is the abyss. This abyss is portrayed both symbolically and literally in the passages contained in Mark’s Gospel. Mark’s insight is revealed in the format, as well as the content. The first and last healings covered in the Gospel of Mark are healings of blind men. In between the healings, Jesus tells of his death on three different occasions. This is symbolically showing that the disciples could not see the future, Jesus’ death, and therefore needed healing from the disease blocking their vision. In the time that Jesus was on earth women were not thought of as equal to men; however, Jesus was anointed by a woman which is the method that is used when proclaiming someone as king. Along …show more content…

This solid ground is what people are searching for when they are drowning in their own abyss that was discussed throughout the Gospel of Mark. The solid ground is shown physically through the features of earth that is present in the Gospel such as the Sermon on the Mount, the rocks turning to bread in the wilderness, and the parable of the talents. Jesus was tempted while he was fasting in the wilderness by the devil. One of the many time the devil tried to tempt him was when the devil tried to coach him into turning a rock into bread because the devil knew that Jesus was hungry, but instead of falling into the temptation Jesus said that the word of God is what he hungered for. We can use this message today by allowing us to see that we should be hungry for God’s word, and should not be satisfied by earthly things such as food because God will provide what we need. The parable of the talents tells of three different servants who were given different amounts of talents, two out of the three went out and made more money than they were given but the third buried his. This parable is connected to the solid ground in that if we shall sow into the ground where it is not already sowed we shall reap more than what was there to begin with. Likewise, if we shall invest our time into someone who has not been shown the way we can allow them to begin to invest into others, therefore creating a multitude of people …show more content…

The Gospel of Mark allowed me to see that people are all fighting their own battles, and we must first meet physical needs before we can begin to focus on emotional and spiritual needs. Each individual solves problems in a way that is unique to them, whether it be hiding it, talking about it, or facing the problem head on. However, Jesus shows us through the Mark that he came to help us get through the times of distress and bring us out of exile and into the family of God. Learning how to fight against temptation and how to invest our time into a higher way of life is discussed through the Gospel of Matthew. Once we are out of the abyss and on solid ground we can begin to see that earthly needs are no longer an struggle and we can begin to focus on the spiritual needs or desires. The videos that have been shown in the class have allowed me to think about how the world is outside of the United States very differently. Although I knew that there were such things as sex slave trafficking, I was unaware of the children that were affected and the true depth as to how dehumanizing it was. I have found that people are not respected in relation to their well-being in other countries, they are torn from their families due to the inability to provide for their basic needs. I have also found that if we would work together instead of competing for more

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