The Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Analysis

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In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie, many relationships exist and are formed in Junior’s life. Whether they are good and bad, they still exist. Junior, the main character, realizes how difficult relationships are in life, whether they are friends, family, or a girlfriend. In the book, Junior goes through tough times with switching schools from the Reservation (Rez) to Reardan and being the only indian kid in his new school. He struggles with making friends and, most of all, struggles with being different. Relationships are not always easy and this is shown by Juniors relationships with his family, Rowdy (his best friend), and Penelope (his girlfriend). Junior and his family have a perfectly imperfect relationship. …show more content…

They always did everything together, until Junior decided to switch schools and go to Reardan. Rowdy hated Junior for leaving. Rowdy hated Junior so much that whenever Junior tried to show Rowdy he missed him, Rowdy would flip him off and sometimes even worse. “I was really missing Rowdy, so I walked over to the computer lab, took a digital photo of my smiling face, and e-mailed it to him. A few minutes later, he e-mailed me a digital photo of his bare ass.” (130) Rowdy would show his love to Junior in different ways. Rowdy had a tough life. Rowdy’s dad was a drunk that would hit and punch him because he was drunk. Whenever Junior would bring up Rowdy’s bruises, Rowdy would say, “It’s war paint” (16). Rowdy and Junior constantly had ups and downs. With Rowdy’s anger issues and Junior being really smart, they often budded heads, but they would not be the same if they did not have each …show more content…

They did everything together, but that is not how it all started for this rocky relationship. At first, Penelope and Junior met in homeroom at Reardan and he introduced himself as Junior. Later when roll was called, the teacher read off his actual name, Arnold. “Penelope leaned over towards me again, but she wasn’t laughing at all. She was mad now. “I thought you said your name was Junior,” Penelope said. She accused me of telling her my real name.” (60). Things definitely got off on the wrong start between Penelope and Junior. When Halloween came around the corner, Junior dressed as a homeless guy and when he got to school, Penelope was also a homeless person. Penelope informed Junior that she had decided to help out the homeless and go trick or treat for money instead of candy. Junior decided he would try and help as well, to get Penelope’s attention of course. On Halloween, Junior got jumped by 3 grown men on the reservation and was robbed of all the money he worked to get. The next day he told Penelope about what happened and she did not even care about the money. All she cared about was that Junior was alright. That night Junior felt as though him and Penelope had gotten closer. Later on him and Penelope begin a relationship and become the hot item at school bringing them closer together, but he still had not told her that he was poor. One night, after Junior and Penelope had left their school dance, they were both

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