The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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In The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, one cause of Junior’s struggle between being an individual and a member of the community is when Junior moves to Rearden which causes him to gain more confidence and the opportunity to a better life. Entering the world with a closed mind is by far the scariest thing an individual can do. The struggle between being an individual and a member of the community results in Junior moving to Rearden. Junior comes home from school after opening a textbook to realize it was his mom’s in school. This is when Junior realizes he wants to go to Rearden. “who has the most hope?” “white people” page (Alexie 45). For years all junior ever wanted was to be respected and have more hope in life. He got this opportunity by open enrolling at Rearden. …show more content…

After growing up with a bunch of alcoholics and not knowing his worth in the world Junior finally decides to take the chance to find his place. “But, hey, I was kind of using her, too. After all, suddenly I became popular.”page (Alexie 110). The experiences Junior have faced at Rearden have made him stronger and more confident. He found his worth by going to Rearden and making new friends. Another result of Junior’s struggle is him gaining more confidence. Growing up on the rez and being born with a stutter Junior was already on the bottom of the food chain. He was scared to take the extra step until he tells his parents he wants to go to Rearden. “ You can do it.” Coach said. “ I can do it.” “You can do it.” “I can do it.”(Alexie 149). After being knocked in the head by his best friend in front of all his friends, Junior realizes he just faced his biggest fear. This was his rematch against Rowdy during the final game. He stood up to Rowdy which gave him the confidence he’s always

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