The ABC-X Model Of Family Stress

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The ABC-X model is used to understand family stress and how they deal with it. To be completely honest I am still trying to understand it better but I think I have a little bit of a grasp on it. At first I thought it was a model that helped families get through stressful situations, but the more I read about it I realized that the model explains how families get stressed. So, the model starts of with A, which stands for the provoking event or stressor. Than it moves to B which is the family using all of their resources and strength to respond to the event or stressor. After that is C, which is, how the family interprets the event or stressor. Last is X, which the degree of stress based on how the family responded and interpreted the event. The ABC-X model helps us understand how the family got to whichever degree of stress they are at, and I think being able to see that can help us help them best. Knowing what resources they have used to deal with the situation, and how they’ve interpreted what happened, gives helpers a good idea on where to meet the family. …show more content…

The way I understood it was in two parts the first part is that the family should be viewed as a whole. To further explain, there are individuals and every family but according to this theory it is the whole (the family) that is more important than the parts (the individuals). The second part is that families should also be viewed as being part of something larger, like their part in the society and the importance of that. I think that the family systems theory is very important to understand for human services professionals, because even if we just work with individuals we have to remember that they are a part of a family system. The same goes for remembering that families are also a part of a larger system. I think both the ABC-X model and the family systems theory lay out a good foundation for future

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