The 50 Item Australian Personality Inventory: Personal Statement

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• Learning Goal. Is to specifically understand every aspect of chapter x… in the textbook to get full marks on the exam related to the concept. Break into sub goals which for the implementation intention to achieve the goal intention of… If I manage to…(do my sub goal) then I will achieve my ultimate goal intention.
• Performance goal. Is to read the allocated reading chapter each week to comprehensively understand all the concepts needed in the exam.
• Goal intention is to achieve…however the concrete implementation intention to do the readings each week broken up… will allow me to focus on the task and minimise any distractions.
These goals are set at high standards to further increase the likelihood of being successful in this unit due …show more content…

Part 2
The 50 item Australian Personality Inventory (API; Murray, Judd, Jackson, Fraser, Komiti, Pattison, & Robbins, 2009) was used to measure each of the Big Five personality traits; openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The API indicates that I am higher on neuroticism than conscientiousness (33 and 26 respectively). Furthermore I scored higher than average on extraversion (36) and openness (36) while scoring slightly lower than average on agreeableness (37). Therefore…
Need for achievement… means that I get stressed because of my low conscientiousness and high neuroticism.
Evidence suggests that high levels of neuroticism could affect my ability to self-regulate. However opposing evidence suggests that lower intellectual capabilities are more closely associated with increasing the impairing effects of neuroticism on self-regulation. Therefore my intellectual capacity means that it is more likely that my high levels of neuroticism will heighten anxiety to keep me on track to study in order to reach my need for achievement (Van Eerde, …show more content…

However, activity and assertiveness aspects of extraversion may allow me to better manage my efforts towards goals.
Scoring high on openness is not likely to have a dramatic impact on my behaviour except for a motivational link between ideas and a flexibility in problem solving towards my goal (Van Eerde, 2000). Conscientiousness
Neuroticism negatively affects academic performance
High level of extraversion coupled with low agreeableness suggests a need for a high status career that is only likely to result from achieving good grades at uni.
Despite scoring low on aggreeableness on the API I would stress a need for affiliation. I place importance on maintaining warm social connections.
Needs for health with my lack of health sometimes get in the way of my motives to succeed academically. In a way my hierarchy of needs differ from the average person due to an imbalance in physiological imbalance leading to health problems that impede my ability to further achieve need for achievement. My need for food is met by eating however health complications mean I need to cook healthy food in order to help my health. To allow for this time I need to work this into my plan for university

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