The 400 Blows Character Analysis

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Identity is important, even more so when it is a group identity. A family, a culture or a nation – a shared and social identity is important. However, sometimes society can force individuals into an identity not through choice but through pressure. The 400 Blows, directed by François Truffaut, and Hannah Arendt, directed by Margarethe von Trotta, both reflect this aspect of society where it pressures individuals to conform in order for them to fit in with society. These aspects are displayed through the desire to not want to conform, being forced to conform and being outcast or misunderstood by an inflexible society. Both Truffaut and von Trotta challenge the idea of a social identity and what it can mean for those who either lack one through …show more content…

In Hannah Arendt, Hannah is approached and told not to publish her book as it could be viewed as anti-Jewish. However, she refuses to not publish the book as Hannah desires not to be simply labelled as a Jewish writer and expected to write from a Jewish point of view, particularly as her book was regarding World War 2. On the other hand, in The 400 Blows, it deals with the aspect of social reclusiveness through Antoine being suspended from school, therefore taking him out of a social identity – even one than he did not want to be a part of – and separating him from his peers. The classroom could be considered a microcosm for the rest of society and Antoine’s suspension from this is society rejecting him and his ideals. Naomi Ellemers states: “Whether or not people are willing to be categorised in terms of a particular group membership is likely to depend on their level of identification with or commitment to that particular group . . .” Ellemers statement connects to both Antoine and Hannah’s situations as they do not feel an attachment to any particular group of people and as a result get socially rejected due to those feelings. Both films deal with social reclusiveness and being outcast by society in a similar way, by refusing to be placed into a societal structure and rejecting the ideas of others. Antoine’s rejection of the …show more content…

In The 400 Blows Antoine is not allowed outside with the rest of his class for break, instead having to stay inside as punishment and as such cut him off from the rest of the class and his friends because he did something wrong. Meanwhile, in Hannah Arendt, after the publishing of her article her workmates and friends view it as possibly anti-Semitic and even apologetic towards Adolf Eichmann and as a result Hannah is shunned by the people around her, therefore punishing her for her viewpoint. Both films punish their main characters for actions that were not warranting punishment. Antoine was caught looking at a pinup model page from a calendar – something that had been passed around the classroom beforehand and Antoine happened to be the one who was caught. Hannah, on the other hand, was doing her job and people chose to interpret her words a certain way. Stephen Worchel states: “Groups offer us support, safety, protection and a reason for existence. While groups are a safe harbour in many ways, they also exact their price. They demand obedience and conformity, they require use to place group needs above personal needs, they coerce us to give up some of our personal identity.” This statement directly connects to the issues faced by Antoine and Hannah, by conforming to society they would be giving up part of their own identities and yet would find security within a

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