The 1972 Presidential Election

1952 Words4 Pages

The 1972 Presidential Election

The election of 1972 was one of the largest landslide victories by a presidential candidate in United States history. President Nixon was reelected to the presidency by beating Senator George McGovern of South Dakota in an impressive victory. The Nixon landslide victory tied FDR’s 60.8 percent of the popular vote in 1936 for the second largest popular vote get in American history. Nixon’s 60.8 percent of the vote compared to McGovern’s 37.6 percent, a difference of 23.2 percent, was also the fourth largest margin of victory in a presidential election in United States History. Nixon not only won with an impressive popular vote margin, but he also won 49 of the 50 states’ electoral votes amounting to 520, while McGovern only received 17 electoral votes. He only won Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. The Nixon landslide victory cannot necceasarily be attributed to Nixon’s policy beliefs, but there are a number of factors which gave Nixon his impressive win. A possible realignment among the American electorate, McGovern being seen as having few leadership capabilities, along with McGovern’s possible failure to get his political message out to the American electorate, and a divide within the Democratic Party are all possible explanations for the Nixon landslide win.

With the country at war, and high inflation rates plaguing the economy, the presidential election of 1972 would play a major role in the what direction the American government would move in. The movement started in the presidential primaries of 1972. The democrats were seen to have many possible contenders to go up against the incumbent President Richard Nixon. Going into the New Hampshire Primary in early March, Se...

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...history of the United States.


Works Cited

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. Packaging the Presidency. New York: Oxford

University Press, 1992.

Ladd, Everett Carll Jr. and Seymour Martin Lipset. Academics, Politics, and the 1972

Presidential Election. Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1973.

Ladd, Everett Carll Jr. with Charles D. Hadley. Transformations of the American Party

System. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1975.

Miller, Warren E. and Teresa E. Levitin. Leadership & Change. Cambridge, Mass.:

Winthrop Publishers, Inc., 1976.

Page, Benjamin I. Choices and Echoes in Presidential Elections. Chicago: University of

Chicago Press, 1978.

Presidential Elections: 1972 Electoral Votes.

On-Line. Internet. 15 Nov. Available WWW:

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