That Child Is A Yellow Analysis

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In the academic article, That Child Is a Yellow: New Immigrant Children's Conceptions of English Language, Literacy, and Learners' Identities in the NCLB Era by Sultan Turkan and Ana Christina DaSilva Iddings they both illustrate how many children of immigrants and who are spanish speakers trying to learn english are motivated to succeed due to the pressure of fitting in and getting an education for upward mobility. Sultan Turkan a doctoral student during the course of this study at the university of arizona, Ana christina dasilva iddings an assistant professor at the same university. They conducted a study in which they drawed observations on three new immigrants who are also native speakers (Gabriela,Juan,and Maria). Turkan and Iddings observed …show more content…

This creates frustration in youths whose perspectives and talents are lost to the american society. They are downgraded due to the national immigration policy and face liminal citizenship. They feel trapped between belonging and exclusion as they don't fully feel american nor mexican or their ethnicity. They feel more american than their ethnicity, sharing similar hopes and dreams as any american but they have more limitations on their …show more content…

An undocumented high school valedictorian and college graduate asserts his struggle in the interview. Raul had to face many obstacles to achieve his goals of becoming a businessman, however when his employees found out he was undocumented. Luckily he had saved up money expecting this to happen. He states how he worried if he would have to go back to his homeland but would be “I know I probably would end up feeling like a stranger in my own land.”(page 169). Many undocumented students feel like they are part of america growing up here most of their life and feel like it's unfair to not receive the same right. Many undocumented students surpass there obstacles and try to legitimize himself in america by succeeding in their studies and helping the community. They feel like going to their homeland to receive more opportunities in education would be just as difficult then living as an undocumented student because they would have to face the struggle of trying to adapt again to a community in which they are not use to or have an memory of. This exclusion and belonging excludes their identity. UNdocumented students don't feel american because they are labeled as illegal and

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