Thanhha Refugee Quotes

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People around the world have become refugees due to war, religious/race discrimination, and natural disasters. In the novel, Inside Out and Back Again, by Thanhha Lai, the main character Hà, is a young and innocent girl who had to flee her hometown of Saigon, Vietnam. Before the Vietnam War, Hà was an innocent, immature, fun-loving, fighter/defiant girl who didn’t like tradition. The text states, “But last night I pouted/when Mother insisted/one of my brothers must rise first/this morning/to bless our house/because only male feet can bring luck.../I decided to/wake before dawn/and tap my big toe/to the tile floor/first.” Hà doesn’t like being told that she can’t do something because she is a girl. Her journey was very long, wonderous, and prestigious. …show more content…

Not only are men and women become refugees, but, children and teenagers are also becoming refugee victims of natural disasters, war, and or racial and religious discrimination. In the novel, Inside Out and Back Again, Hà is feeling dumb beCause she doesn’t know enough english to tell her teacher that she has already learned some things that no American human being would probably NEVER LEARN IN THEIR LIVES!!! Hà is a very smart and intelligent girl who is relearning everything she's already learned. She feels dumb because the class claps for her as she recites her ABC’s and her 123’s in front of them. Hà finds out once she arrives home, that Brother Vù has been acting happy, when he actually hasn’t had the best of days either. Hà doesn’t want to run away from Pink Boy and his friends because they’re bullies. I inferred Hà isn’t a coward based off of the fact that she shouldn’t have to run away from bullies when she asks Brother Vù to teach her to fly kick. When Hà and Pink Boy fight, Pink Boy decides to throw a punch at Hà and she squats down in dùng tào. Hà shifts her upper body to the left and Pink Boy flies to the ground. Hà thought that she would enjoy seeing Pink Boy in pain. Hà is surprised how she made Pink Boy fly into the ground and she reveals the soft side of herself by actually feeling sorry for Pink Boy. Back Again in real life, means that that person is regressing to their normalcy, finding a new home and new friends, adaptation, new routine, finding

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