Thalidomide History

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The use of Thalidomide started in 1957 in Germany. It was developed by a German company. It was on the market, from January 1957- December 1961. Once it came out in the stores it became popular in Europe and Germany as aspirin. The bottle that read STRICT WARNING: DO NOT TAKE IF PREGNANT! many still did because they thought it would help with the side effects of being pregnant. It also said DO NOT give to children under twelve years old, but, the mothers still did. Shortly after the debut of this drug more than 2,500 children were born with limbs that were not fully developed. Out of 2,500 children only 466 children survived.The women would take this drug in their first trimester, and so that is why the children were born they way they were. Once the children were born the Thalidomide …show more content… The lesson that they learned was always read the label on bottles and don’t just assume that it will help you with the side effects or for being pregnant. They would die from one thing that their mother did when she was pregnant. Now, it’s a good thing they took Thalidomide off the market and got rid of it forever because we would have more and more people die or have defected limbs and get bullied at school or any place. Another reason it is good that we do not have Thalidomide is because there would be more accidents if people are born with their arms and legs close to them. They would have to sit close to the steering wheel and have a long stick type thing to help the must the gas and break. Finally, Thalidomide is no joke it can kill little innocent kids even their mother too. No one should have to go through the death of a little kid that was just born or even a few months old. Thalidomide should never be made again in any part of the

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