Texas Pride Barbecue Essay

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Texas Pride Barbecue

Texas is the home of the best barbecue in the whole world. Texas prides itself in succulent, great-tasting barbecue with that perfect bite that is incomparable to any other. The best thing about the Texas barbecue is that it is the pride of each and every Texan. It is a regular staple to every Sunday brunch, family get-together, drinking party or just that regular buddy chats within steel garage doors in Houston.

But what makes Texas barbecue awesome? Let me count the ways:

1. Texans have different ways of preparing their barbecues. Those who come from South Texas specialize in barbacoa, those from the east like their chopped beef while those coming from the west prepare their barbecues over direct heat. But all Texans agree that the best type of barbecue is the Central …show more content…

3. Texas barbecues are almost-always cooked the old style.
When we say old style, we of course refer to cooking barbecues over wood. Texans use post oak, mesquite or hickory, hence the awesome flavors. Fire management is also very important with pitmasters cooking barbecues over low and slow fire, some even taking as long as 20 hours for a brisket. Most importantly barbecues are often cooked outdoors, hence you can just imagine the level of skill it takes a pitmaster to balance the flavors while cooking on an outdoor grill.

4. Texas barbecues are cooked simply.
No, there are no special flavors or special rubs that are applied to Texas barbecues. The usual is just a rub of salt and pepper and sometimes with garlic and/or cayenne. There is no need to add special rubs because the secret to perfect Texas barbecues is the slow and low cooking. This makes for perfect succulent and juicy barbecues. This is also the reason why Texans are very patient in waiting for their barbecues to cook because the end result is almost always worth the

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