Texas A & M: Fulfilling Virtue

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What does a fulfilling and happy life comprise of and why? There is an ethical approach to answering this question. Being virtuous in the work place and at home for instance can lead to a happy life. Engineers in particular, due to the influential nature of their profession, have a responsibility to uphold certain key virtues. Many virtues are believed to be acquired through habit. I do believe my studies at Texas A&M has developed and honed them. There are also a number of virtuous qualities I still hope to acquire so that I am better prepared for my future career. Some of these virtues include diligence, a willingness to learn and accept mistakes, honesty, and teamwork. Some philosophers believe that happiness is achieved through actualizing …show more content…

To achieve one’s potential, it is important that the individual strives to be virtuous or arête. Greek philosophy insists that arête is knowledge and the key to a fulfilling life. To have virtue is to become an outstanding model for whatever role you take. Through arête one can fulfill their telos or end goal. Bringing these terms together; an individual’s eudemonia is increased through fulfilling their telos which is brought about by being virtuous or arête. Aristotle insisted that we exhibit virtue in line with our reason. To him squandering our talents and casting aside a virtuous lifestyle surely will not lead to a happy life. As humans we were given the gift of reason and one’s wellbeing is the attainment of arête through …show more content…

To be an outstanding example of a computer scientist, one must be diligent and accept mistakes. In some cases, you have to be able to scrap all of what you have and try again with a different approach. When someone has invested so much in a failed approach often times they will try to salvage as much as they can. Sure, adding a complicated and confusing solution to salvage work may produce a finished product, but is that product the best it can be? It would be like fixing a leak with duct tape. This mindset is actually one major problem with cybersecurity today. One form of attack is a buffer overflow attack. This cyber-attack involves corrupting the memory of a system in order to take control of the system. It was discovered that the stack structure of a computer’s memory can be exploited, but instead of implementing a new system, duct tape measures such as stack guards and canary words were added. As one would guess these obstacles make it harder for the attacker to corrupt memory, but there are still ways around them. This approach, counter to the learn from mistakes and start again virtue, has allowed for these vulnerabilities to

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