Tess Of The D Urbervilles Symbolism Essay

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The novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles written by Thomas Hardy was an interesting novel with lots of suspense. The main protagonist is Tess D’Urbervilles, a young, attractive, intelligent, and sensitive girl. In the first chapter, Tess’s father finds out he’s the last descent of one of the oldest families in England, the D’Urbervilles. Tess’s family lives in poverty and faces difficult to get through life. In the process of all this happening Tess experiences many bad things. The book introduces many symbols; one of the many was Red and White. These colors foreshadow future events in the novel such as pureness, beauty, carelessness, innocence, sin, evil and more.
In the beginning of chapter two, it is May- Day and woman of the village are celebrating and dancing. Tess is introduced wearing a white dress with a red ribbon in her hair. “She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one in the white company who could boast of such a pronounced adornment.” (Hardy 12). The author infers white as being a pure color. Tess is still a young, …show more content…

“ But somebody must go’ Tess replied. ‘It is late for the hives already. Swarming will soon be over for the year….” (Hardy 31). Tess decides to take charge for the family and she goes with her brother Abraham. “ I think I could go if Abraham could with me to kip company. “ (Hardy 31). On their journey the horse dies “ The pointed shaft of the cart had entered the breast of the unhappy Prince like a sword, and from the wound in his life’s blood was spouting in a stream, and falling with a hiss into the road.”(Hardy 35). The reason for the horse dying was from misleading the carriage and Tess and her brother falling asleep.” Tess awakes from the sleep into which she, too, had fallen.” (Hardy 35). The death of their white horse symbolizes and foreshadows further negative events that Tess will go through with white horses being

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