Terry Pratchett's Discworld

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Sir Terry Pratchett is a British writer, who writes comical novels with fantasy elements. He mostly writes books intended for adults and older teens, but he also wrote a few children's books, such as 'The amazing Maurice and his educated rodents'. His longest and best work is the Discworld series with 40 published novels as of October 2013.
These novels are all great; there isn't one I didn't love. The stories are connected to each other; characters of different storylines may appear in each other's stories. The books tend to have something important to tell, for example, in Hogfather (why we need to have faith in non-existent things), or in Carpe Jugulum and in Witches abroad (if you know who you are, you can defeat your darker side). The world the writer creates is very detailed and there are very few inconsistencies and plot holes, which is impressive as, starting in 1983, he wrote at least one novel per year for the past three decades.
The stories in the Discworld-continuum are almost always parodies of real-life events, people and places. The novel Night Watch, for example, is a...

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