Tennessee Electric Cooperative Research Paper

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One day while at the mall with my grandmother, we walk by many people trying to sell their products in the center. Food, makeup, skin products, toys, clothes, shoes, you name it and they are probably putting it into your face trying to convince you to buy it. We continue walking and come along a man talking with a group of teenagers gathered around. My grandmother and I stop to listen. We soon realize this man works with the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association who helps with the Washington Youth Tour. I was very interested in what he had to say.
He says that high school juniors are only eligible to go on the trip. He said it was all costs free. This trip sounded like the dream of a lifetime. I had never been out of the state of Tennessee, …show more content…

Writing papers for school always stressed me out, but this time I was determined to keep calm and write well. My grandmother, along with my mom, worked with me to figure out what I should base my short story around and what facts I should include. I worked day and night, trying super hard on my short story, finding out several interesting facts about cooperatives.
I found out things about cooperatives I would have never known until writing this short story. On May 18, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Tennessee Valley Authority Act with created a federal agency to provide river navigation, flood control, electric generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley. On May 11, 1935, President Roosevelt created the Rural Electrification Administration, which made federal funds available to provide rural electric service. Existing power companies expressed little interest, so the leaders of farm organizations proposed the formation of nonprofit electric cooperatives. During 1935-1948, Tennesseans formed 23 electric cooperatives to bring electricity to rural areas. Electric cooperatives also improve communities by helping with jobs and

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