Temp Agency

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Temp agencies have become indispensable partners for many companies. No longer are temps (or contingent workers as they are sometimes called) a minor expense; they are a big investment and a critical aspect of keeping jobs filled. But managers ought to understand that good temp agencies do much more than find "bodies" at short notice. The best agencies can show you how to use flexible staffing to improve productivity. The Dramatic Rise of the Temp Agency The temp agency is an essential service because businesses need flexibility. They need to be able to fill positions at short notice, for short periods of time. The flexibility in staffing that temporary workers give a company has proven to be so valuable that the number of temps has continued to rise over the years. We used …show more content…

One is guaranteed performance. If you bring in a temporary employee and they are not working to your standard, a simple phone call to the temp agency is all it takes to have them replaced. The other unexpected benefit is the temp-to-perm phenomenon. Hiring workers as temporaries before making a decision about offering them a permanent job is undoubtedly the single most reliable selection method. It gives the company a chance to "test drive" the worker and the worker a chance to see what it is really like working for the company. The U.S. National Association of Temporary Services estimates that one out of three temporary assignments leads to full-time work. Clearing Confusion About the Types of Temps Frequently the labels "temporary help," "contingency staffing," and "flexible staffing," are used interchangeably by the general business community. However, temp agencies understand that these three types of workers are used quite differently. Temporary help is a concept whereby companies bring in someone, usually for lower skilled jobs, to cover for a vacation, maternity leave or help for some short-term

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