Temo Reyes Life

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This essay explores the life of a man in a small town of Mex My father, Artemio Gonzalez Reyes was born in a small town named China Nuevo Leon in the northern part of Mexico. People in his native town refers to him as Don Artemio, his family calls him Temo and his children like many other Mexican families refer to as Papi. With a smile in his face Papi remembers the story about his birthday. He was born the 28th day of February in 1950 according to his birth certificate but he says that that he was in fact born in 1949. When asked about this confusion he explains that his mother was very ill after his birth leaving his father in charge of his care along with his brothers and sisters. According to Papi during those times people did not see …show more content…

My father is the son on Crecencio “Chencho” Gonzalez and Manuela Reyes both natives of China Nueveo Leon. He was the youngest sibling of a family of six. When asked what do you remember about your childhood he explains that he remembers only good things. My father says that his parents were business people. He remembers his conversations with his father and the lessons that came along those conversations. His father CHencho used to tell Papi and his siblings stories and lessons that he had received form his mother. My dad’s paternal grandmother taught his kids the value of trading and commerce. My father describes how his grandmother used to say “When I am not longer here I want you to look after yourself and your families, buy a sack of sugar and make smaller bags of to resell, or buy a bag of oranges for 5 cents wash them, cut them and resell them for 15 cents”. In a time where most families in China relied on cattle raising or agriculture to survive and most of the commerce occurred by out of towners my Papi’s paternal grandmother was progressive and saw a business opportunity. My father shares that him and his siblings were raised under the following premises believe in God, work hard, and always move forward “adelante siempre adelante”. He remembers that at the age

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