Teller Amendment Essay

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During the 20th century, the world witnessed much devastation. World war one, known as the Great War, is often considered a major catastrophe of the twentieth century. The Great War began in 1914 and after the loss of many lives it finally came to an end in 1918. The aftermath of World War I drastically changed the political and social order of the world. The war was generally fought in Europe. However, the United States entered the war by choice later to help bring the war to an end. World war one was the most significant world event in 20th century as it upset the political balance at that time. Not only was the political balance affected but the war also upset the ecology of the world. Nevertheless, the war showed how stubborn ideas among …show more content…

When war breaks out in Europe Wilson announces that the United States will stay neutral and isolated. Meanwhile Americans were concerned about the international stability and their own national security. Politicians like Theodore Roosevelt call Wilson a coward and believe America must intervene in the war as it is part of American principles. In order to understand Wilson’s decisions, we must take the Platt and Teller amendment into consideration. In 1898, the Teller Amendment created an anti-imperialism view. The Teller amendment was a legislation created after winning the Spanish-American war that promised that the United States would not annex Cuba. The Platt amendment was a Legislation created in 1901 that allowed the US to intervene if Cuba couldn’t govern themselves appropriately. Platt amendment was a discourse on civilization and was a geopolitical concern. Wilson desired to maintain the same anti-imperialist mindset of Americans. However, as the war progressed it became difficult for Wilson to maintain this …show more content…

As many people described him, Wilson was an advocate world peace and democracy. After world war one, Wilson negotiated a peace treaty known as “the fourteen points”. Wilson promises that they are coming into the war to save the world for democracy and he creates a proposal during the treaty of Versailles. President Woodrow Wilson issued his plans for future permanent peace. In his speech, Wilson listed fourteen strategies he predicted would ensure national security and provide world peace. Majority of the “points” related to territorial issues in Europe and Wilson’s plan to address the problem. For the last strategy, Wilson desired the creation of an international governing body of united nations known as the League of Nations. The League of Nations planned to follow a “collective security’ idea which meant that nations had to give a little of their power to make sure that no big powerful country invades their territory. The Senate voted on the Treaty of Versailles two times first in November 1919 and in March 1920. However, the treaty failed to gain ratification. The treaty’s defeat was partly blamed on Wilson’s refusal to compromise with Republicans. Even though the United States never joined the organization The League of Nations held its first meeting in January 1920. In his speech, Wilson decides to describe and remind people of the reason why the United states has joined the Great war. Wilson states that

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