Teleological Argument From Design

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The Argument from design or also known as the Teleological argument (Telos: Purpose, Teleology: Study of something’s purpose or design) is endowed on the assumption of a God or creator which has intelligently and elegantly designed the universe to such intricate and fine detail. In which argues that something so immaculately designed for example the structural complexity and delegacy of the eye, can only be as a direct result of an intelligent designer or (God). The argument from design is a collection of arguments that are empirical and inductive in nature. They identify characteristics found in natural objects and infer God as the cause. The Argument from design is analogous in nature and can be envisioned through key philosopher William …show more content…

Contrasting to this we will explore the critical discussion of the argument from design found in David Hume’s (Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion).
In 1802 Theologian William Paley presented the world with one of the best known expositions of the design proof, his “Classic” statement of the argument from design appeals to the precision and structure of living organisms and can be understood with his famous analogy of the ‘watchmaker’. Suppose you were walking on the beach and you were to find a watch on the sand, you would not assume that random events over time had accidently constructed every tiny gear, screw, and spring eventually performing a fully functioning and accurate instrument measuring time. On the other hand you would however assume that the watch had been designed and built in such a specialized order to be able to tell the time; and that the watch has a designer, a watchmaker. Now suppose instead of finding a watch you encountered a flower. Whereas a flower has far more complex structures and functioning, not only does it produce oxygen for the vitality of human beings but also generates its own food via photosynthesis, a mind …show more content…

In fact the degree of precision is so great that to even alter any of the parameters even minutely could potentially destroy life as we know it. This great deal of precision has led some scientists to make an argument based on order that the universe was actually designed to accommodate life. Also known as “Fine-Tuning” argument the anthropic principal uses two classes of parameters to develop a design argument. The first is the characteristics of the universe and the other for the features of our sun, planet-moon system. In Hugh Ross’s published workings “The Creator and the Cosmos”, describes parameters that are essential in establishing the foundational laws of physics that are fundamental for the existence of the natural world and must fall within a very narrow range in order to make life possible. Such parameters for example are the properties of gravity, the distance between stars, Strong and Weak nuclear forces and the velocity of light. Hugh Ross asks what would happen if any of the parameters were to fall short of its narrow life providing range. Take the expansion rate of the universe for example, if the expansion rate was faster than 1x10^55 galaxies could not be formed and if the expansion rate was slower than 1x10^55 then the universe would

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