Teens: The Second Leading Cause Of Suicide

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Suicide is when a someone purposely causes his or her own death. Before attempting to take his or her own life, a teen may have thoughts of wanting to die. This is called suicidal ideation. He or she may also have suicidal behavior. That is when a teen is focused on doing things that cause his or her own death. Suicide happens to the teenagers because of very strong feeling of hopelessness or frustration is terrible to family, friends, and community. People in their circle might be left wondering if they could have done something to prevent that young person from turning to suicide. Suicides among young people continue to be a serious problem. Based on research in 2015, suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 10-24 in 2015. It is ranked the …show more content…

It is including depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, or a behavior problem. They may also have problems with their friends at school or with family members at home, or a combination of all these things. Some teens may have been victims of sexual or physical abuse. Others may be struggling with issues related to sexual identity. Usually they have stucked with the problems for quite some time and be the main reason they commit suicide. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease. The reasons behind a teen's suicide or attempted suicide can be very complicated. Majority of children and young adults who attempt suicide have a significant mental health disorder such as depression. Although suicide is infrequent among children, the rate of suicides and suicide attempts increases significantly during adolescence. Young people who are thinking to comit suicide may also have the thought to stop planning for or talking about the future. They may begin to give away important control of

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