Teenagers Should Acquire Confidential Health Care

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The popular belief among our society has always been “Parents know what's best”. While they're young they know how to make their medical decisions for them. They know what's best for their children they know how to keep them safe and healthy. However their children soon turn into teenagers who should be trusted to make their own choices regarding their health care. There no longer the children they once were they can comprehend the extension of every decision they make. Services and treatments should not be restricted to them because of their age or need for parental consent. Teenagers should be given confidential health care and should be trusted to make the choices that regard themselves. They should be allowed the privacy from everyone including …show more content…

One example is sexually active teens. If teens do not have access to confidential health care then they won't just all stop having sex they will continue to do so but without the services that clinics can offer them such as STD test, HIV test, contraceptives, emergency contraception, treatments for the STD’s and pregnancy test. Sexually active young adults need to have access to these services so that if they continue to have sex they do so in a healthy and responsible way. If teens are not allowed confidential health care and require parental consent for these test, treatments and contraceptives than most teens will choose to forgo them for fear of their parents discovering that they are sexually active They will instead rely on unsafe methods to not lead to an unwanted pregnancy and will just hope that they continue to stay safe. However it’s not just sexually active teens that need confidential health care but all teens. They need it so that they can have access to other services such as counseling, and therapy. At adolescence and young adulthood some teens begin to display symptoms of mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or depression and they will need to see a therapist when this happens. Other teens need the counseling and therapy just to deal with the stress of everyday life, friends, family, school, eating …show more content…

Parents have been making every decision for their child since the moment they are born. They control what they eat what they wear where they go who the doctor is everything so it is understandable that they would want to continue to make these medical decisions about their teens. Especially since parents believe that their teens are not mature enough to make these choices. However teens aren't young children they are young adults that are capable of fully understanding both sides of treatment, medicine or procedure. They can understand the good and the bad. At this point in their lives they are not only capable of understanding the risk of whatever medical decision they make they are capable of having an opinion on it. They learned and will need to know how to so when the time comes that they are on their own they know what's best to do for themselves. Teens are just as capable of making these decisions as their parents so it's about time that society lets

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