Teenage Drinking Research Paper

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All over America, families are suffering from their teenagers being taken over by the effects of alcohol. Teenagers that start drinking don’t know the damage they are putting on their bodies. Underage drinking is a rising issue in an alarming amount of homes. Drinking is unfortunately already a popular activity, but it shouldn’t be for teenagers because they can hurt themselves and others. The next generation of adults are in danger if they let alcohol control them during high school. While some parents can control their children or not, underage drinking is a problem everywhere. Underage drinking is not healthy for a young adult’s body (Gale Database). Teenagers who think that just a little bit of alcohol won’t affect them don’t see the affect they are putting on their bodies. While adults hurt their bodies when they drink alcohol, they just as bad if not worse before a teenager’s body has finished developing completely. Teen Drinking is illegal in all 50 states and by 12th grade, over 80% of teens have tried alcohol (Koob 3). Teenagers are not informed about the dangers that approach them when they take their first sip from a can of beer or a shot of whiskey. Underage drinking has turned into a very critical issue for all generations. …show more content…

Youth violence, sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and accident-related deaths are only a select few risks a teen can be making when they decide to consume alcohol. Luckily the government has been making efforts into containing this issue by offering aid to families who are in need and are also willing to reach out for help (Julie 7). The United States offer many organizations to help people stop drinking at a young age before harm can be

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