Teenage Brain Research

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Child to Teen: The Weird Science of the Teenage Brain The brain is the most important part of the body as it allows people to think wisely, feel, store memories, and control the human body. During the development of the brain it hits a bumpy ride during the teenage years due to the inclusion of love, stress, and anger; one of the many factors leading to the downfall of Romeo and Juliet. The teenage brain is the weirdest and most misunderstood stage of the brain.

The teenage brain has had many influences such as alcohol, or drugs, but love is by far the strongest. The brain during the teenage years uses the amygdala for puberty. “The amygdala (size of an almond) is a set of neurons, which play a key role in processing emotions” says Emma Innes (Innes, 2013). “The amygdala plays an important role in helping brains make sense of social cues and the …show more content…

Teenagers tend to be angry for the most ill-minded reasons, from not being able to play video games to being banned from hanging out with your friends. Anger originates from the limbic system, as it controls the emotions in the human brain and at a teenage age go up and down in what emotion you are having (Nixon 2012). Teenagers tend to freak out for forty-five minutes, then sit down and cry. This is because they have allowed their prefrontal cortex to open up and control their limbic system so they can rationally think about their immaturity.

To conclude, the teenage brain is the most weird brain due its complex function. The teenage brain mostly interacts the way it does because of the first interaction of intense love, stress, and anger making Romeo and Juliet most prone as they were teenagers leading to their downfall. The teenage brain is, weird but also misunderstood because of the factors such as love, anger, stress changing the behaviour of

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