Teen Marriage Speech

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I. Intro: Marriage is one of the most important commitments to be made in life. When a person marries someone, it should be a mature and responsible decision. It should be a long-lasting commitment; it should be a happy and fulfilling relationship filled with communication, love and respect. People seem to take this commitment all too lightly in today's generation. Teenagers are getting married because they are pregnant, they feel they will never find love again, or because it seems convenient to them at that time.

II. Pregnancy

a. Pregnancy is one of the more common causes of early marriages, be it by choice or not.

i. In some cases the parents are against the teens marrying early, so they decide to get pregnant on purpose so that their parents will consent to marriage.

ii. Other pregnancies are accidental. Normally, in most cases the teenagers and sometimes the parents feel that marriage is the only solution. A baby is a good reason to get married only if you are truly in love and responsible enough to make that decision. Usually, if pregnancy occurs as a teen, irresponsibility is what brought about the situation in the first place. When teens get married because they are expecting a child and not out of love, their child will see the unhappiness which may cause them to be unhappy as well.

III. Lack of self confidence

a. Lack of self-esteem or confidence is also one of the contributors to early marriages, especially among girls. They think that getting married they will get respect from others as well as a place in society.

b. Misconception of love is another cause. Teenagers think they are in love and feel they will never find anyone to love them again. They often feel that their high school sweetheart is the only one they will ever love. Most of the time infatuation and true love are confused.

c. Problems among their parents, such as fighting or divorce, may trigger the desire of the teenager to look for some love and understanding outside the family circle.

IV. Convenience

a. Some teenagers marry to get out of a bad family life. They are being abused at home, they are unhappy living with their family, or they feel that they do not have to abide by the rules so they are constantly fighting with their parents.

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