Ted Cruz Strengths And Weaknesses

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Ted Cruz is a fairly strong contender for the Republican nomination at the moment and has some definite strengths. His first strength is his fervent support of and commitment to upholding the Constitution, especially the First and Second Amendment. He worked as a lawyer prior to becoming a senator and is well versed in constitutional law. Another strength is his strong conservative ideals, which makes him popular among the Tea Party and evangelical voters, especially when it comes to issues such as abortion, marriage equality, gun rights, immigration and more. In addition, he has the ability to raise a lot of money. In the second quarter of 2015 alone, he had raised over $10 million, with no signs of slowing down. He has a strong campaign team …show more content…

So far, Cruz has raised $26 million dollars and will continue to focus mostly on getting people to donate. At his campaign headquarters in Houston, he has a dedicated finance team to help get donations and raise money through fundraisers and other events. His current cash on hand is about $13 million, and he’s spent just over $12 million so far on his campaign. In addition to the individual contributions coming in, Cruz has four Super Pacs supporting him and they’ve raised over $37 million dollars. As of now Cruz is doing great with the fundraising. The donations are coming in steadily through individual contributions, and that is where the Cruz campaign will continue to work hard since Cruz himself doesn’t have access to the Super Pac money. As the election gets closer, more people are expected to start donating to Cruz, especially when other candidates start dropping out. The campaign will work hard to grab those supporters. As long as he keeps his spending relatively frugal, Cruz shouldn’t have any financial problems throughout the campaign. So far a large portion of money raised has been not only from wealthy business people, but also from working, middle class conservative people who support Cruz on issues pertaining to the economy. Throughout the campaign season, the strategy will be to continue and collect a large amount of small donations from the middle class, especially through recurring monthly donations. Every dollar counts and small monthly donations really add up over time so there will definitely be a push to get people to sign up for those. The finance team of the campaign handles this type of fundraising, as well as set up VIP events for extremely wealthy donors. These events include dinners and meet and greets. These events are important for Cruz to reach out and meet directly with constituents to hopefully spread good word of mouth

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