Technology In Brave New World Persuasive Essay

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Ever since the first Homo sapiens walked on the Earth, technology has been an integral part of the inner workings of mankind. Tools have shaped and sustained humans for thousands of years and, within the past century, technology has advanced beyond the mental capacity of people only a century ago. But, with all these new advancements, one must ask themselves, “Has our technology exceeded our humanity?”. The answer to that question is simple: no. When using Brave New World by Aldous Huxley as an example, it is evident that technology is not only the foundation of humanity but, in this world, has helped to eliminate discrepancies between humans that nature inflicts and is not to blame for degrading humanity by modern standards. Innovation for …show more content…

There are no wars, there is no hunger, and nobody has to worry about making ends meet. That sounds like a paradise for most, especially since 795 million people in this world do not have enough food to sustain a normal lifestyle (Hunger Statistics) and 64% of Americans are stressed to some degree about money (Stressed Over Money). World Controller, Mustapha Mond, furthers that claim when he says, “The world is stable now. People are happy… they’re well off; they’re safe, they’re never ill,” (220). What about that sounds bad? What about that strays from what the top minds in modern society are currently trying to do? Do people not already try to feed the hungry, house the homeless, cure the ill? This society has succeeded in solving the very problems modern society has been in turmoil with for years. So if one is to say that the technology used in that world to eliminates those problems goes against humanity, then they are saying that modern society should also put an end to the technology that, say, is trying to find a cure for cancer or making food for starving children. The problems are the same, it is just that Brave New World has found a solution, and that upsets

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