Technology In Australia Essay

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“The Australian Government supports the appropriate use of technology in Australian schools to prepare students to learn, train and live in a digital world.” ( study in Australia) Why do they use the technology you ask?
They use technology in schools to help prepare the students for the world that they live in today, because everyone has at least a computer or and phone of some sort. In order to prepare the students for the real world schools have to teach them how to use the technology properly.
Some differences between American and Australian schools are they use a curriculum called STEAM. That stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics. STEAM in a way that will make it easier to understand is you take a topic about something random such as Hedgehog. You read about Hedgehogs and that's you english. Then you do math problems associated with the topic you just read about. Then let's say you go to lunch. When you get back you do science about Hedgehogs like there DMAs their habitat and their climate they have to be in order to survive . Then you use technology thats has to do with Hedgehogs like a game of some sort. They can even go as far as …show more content…

Passionate about ensuring that everything she uses to teach enhances learning, she’s spent years tweaking and re-purposing technology to create innovative, constructive and fun learning environments for her pupils. Her journey has brought her a great deal of knowledge about technology integration, in particular in the areas of the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework, Interactive Whiteboards, QR codes, Augmented Reality and Tablet devices. Now she’s an Adjunct Lecturer at Flinders University, working with pre-service teachers in the School of Education, as well as consulting in a number of local South Australian Schools.) (

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