Technology: Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality (VR)

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Below is a review of some of current technological trends  Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) . AR is generally used to refer to a live, real world environment, augmented with additional video and/or data. Since the success of Pokémon Go, an AR game where computer-generated characters appear on a mobile device screen as if they’re in the real world, exploded with over 100 million downloads, Hollywood has been exploring the technology's potential for storytelling. But AR could soon move beyond a phone, since headsets, glasses and even contact lenses with AR capabilities are in development. Many are exploring the potential to offer new types of immersive, interactive stories or games -- imagine taking elements of the Star Wars universe …show more content…

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab is exploring how it can use virtual and augmented reality, for scientific research and to bring the public to the Mars through virtual experiences. With AR glasses or contact lenses, a user could even run into someone on the street and have data appear to remind him of the other person's name and when they last met. Organizations like The Guardian have used virtual reality to also advance social justice causes creating immersive experience which allow people to (briefly) face what others –those with autism, Syrian refugee fleeing with his son, those in solitary confinement – experience. The power of VR and AR (especially for storytelling) is that they create immersive experiences but that they also create shared experiences among participants. In the case of the Guardian’s work, the hope is that the shared experiences will help develop a better understanding of the complicated issues. The work of several our grantees including Welcoming America, Black Alliance for Just Immigration is predicated on the notion that if you enable positive interactions between immigrant communities and receiving communities, you will help to create a sense of belonging and cohesion. The challenge to date has been how to create this contact at …show more content…

During the 2016 election, the use of intelligent Twitter bots, targeted advertising, and search engine manipulation affected what Internet users saw on specific platforms and search engines. Links to websites masquerading as reputable sources started appearing on social media sites like Facebook. Stories about the Pope endorsing Donald Trump’s candidacy and Hillary Clinton being indicted for crimes related to her email scandal were shared widely despite being completely made up. “Filter bubbles” and algorithms have been blamed for failing to separate real news from fiction, and researchers have noted an escalation in bias, propaganda, and misinformation online. Together, these factors contribute to increased polarization and hamper the free flow of accurate information that is essential for civil discourse, policy making, and ultimately democracy. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center towards the end of last year found that 64% of American adults said made-up news stories were causing confusion about the basic facts of current issues and events. Without a common starting point – a set of facts that people with otherwise different viewpoints can agree on – it will be hard to address any of the problems that the world now faces. Kevin Kelly, co-founder Wired magazine stated the challenge succinctly, “[T]truth is no longer dictated by

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