Techfite's Social Responsibility

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B1. Explain the ethical desirability of improving the company’s reputation in the community based on the scenario: The Company prime responsibility is to bring profit to the organization, but one may agree or disagree gaining money comes at a price, and that is if you have the money you need help the community. But all may agree that everyone has a social responsibility to help the community, especially for a company. Company should strive to be viewed as a company with CSR not only to have a good reputation within communities, but to help make the world a better place for everyone. Here are few of TechFite’s ethical desires and examples to improve a reputation within the community. 1. Integrity- Unity within the organization is very important because it shows the community that the organization is united in a cause. This is TechFite’s mission to satisfy employee benefits and wages, which will help develop a trust with the community and its neighbors. 2. …show more content…

Keeping promises- TechFite has made a promise to the community and employee to be socially responsible to the City of Dellbergs, This will bring hope to the bankrupt city. 3. Loyalty-By keeping the promises TechFite made to the community will not just show loyalty to the City of Dellberg but the community will reciprocate that notion accordingly. Here are couple of examples of how TechFite can execute and improve the company’s reputation within the community: - Cut back or remove the Executive bonus structure incentive and transfer the funds to employee benefits. This will increase loyalty within the employees and will improve the reputation within the organization and the community - Run campaign ads of the organization accomplishment and changes within the community. Techfite can advertise service photos, testimonials, and accomplishment to show the community and clients how involved they are in the community B3. Explain how the course of action from B2 is ethically, socially, and environmentally

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