Team Mission Statement

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Our mission is to…
Enrich our diverse culture and knowledge in interpersonal skills within a team, with mutual trust, commitment, respect and recognition of work to create a sense of belonging for team members while improving personal and team growth by providing continuous support, constructive comments and valued opinions to and from all team members to work towards the objectives with high quality products.
In a way which…
• Emphasizes that we trust and respect each other and be vulnerable in order to prevent individualistic thinking, division amongst the team, isolation, and failure
• Focuses on recognizing the hard work of every individual in the team, as opposed to being in a constant state of nonchalance
• Enriches the diversity and …show more content…

• Insists every team member must provide and receive constructive feedback once an opinion is presented
• Ensures continuous help is provided as and when needed
So that…
• We trust and respect each other and allow ourselves to be vulnerable to one another in every situation
• We recognize each other's hard work and encourage the effort each has put into the team objectives
• All appreciate the diversity amongst the team and take it as a privilege for personal and team growth
• Each of us work together to create a sense of belonging by creating an open and welcome atmosphere thereby assuring each is treated equally
• We encourage respectful and open discussion between team members to avoid conflict
• We as a team work towards learning from each other's past experience and knowledge in preparation for use it in future team projects
• We will fully attend and commit to the team goals and work towards the result in unity
• Every team member commits to keeping any comments presented in a constructive manner for the benefit of both the individual and the team
• Communication tools we established are properly used whenever needed to provide help
• Everyone becomes “SMART” (Special, Multi-tasking, Anchored, Reliable and …show more content…

While having a strong presence of the type 3 personality (the Achiever) amongst our team, personality traits relatable to this type, such as being adaptable, hardworking and highly focus, led us to understand our potential to perform as a team
• Dr. Tuckman’s four stages team model: From the moment the team was confirmed, our way through the forming and storming stages were greatly enhanced by our similar personality traits. This helped us reach the norming stage as efficiently as when the team charter was started. Now in the performing stage, the team consistently allows itself to momentarily go back to norming and storming in order to ensure the continuous optimization of the team’s productivity
• The application of the Drexler/Sibbet team performance model during the entire team charter creation process. In a similar way as with Dr. Tuckman’s team model, our team started in the creating phase and now continuously tries to find a good balance inside the sustaining phase, while allowing ourselves to go back and answer fundamental questions in the creating phase for maximum productivity and satisfaction
• All the members will be evaluated based on their ability to organize and plan the sessions, attend the meetings and prioritize tasks and

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