Teachers Are The Most Responsible And Important Members Of Society

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Helen Caldecott once said, “Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” Teachers have one of the most important jobs on this earth. Without teachers, no one’s career would be possible. Let’s just say, teachers make the world go round. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Special education is defined as the instruction and services designed to meet the unique learning needs of students with disabilities (Colarusso). Just because a student has a disability doesn’t mean that they don’t have the right to have the same education as their peers who do not have a disability. It takes a special teacher to teach students who have a disability. That teacher must have patience. Patience is a key characteristic for any teacher to have despite if they are a general education teacher …show more content…

Diversity also includes one’s learning style. No one on this earth is the same; not even identical twins. Everyone thinks differently. Everyone sees various situations differently. Everyone has their own mind, which allows them to think and process information differently. Students’ learning styles can range from being auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or a combination of them. When a teacher is able to determine their student’s learning style, they are able to teach them more effectively. For example, I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. Whenever someone wants to show me something new, I will best understand it if it is shown to me visually and I then in return have some form of hands on experience in order to truly grasp the concept of the material. A great teacher knows how to teach diverse learners. There will never be a class in which there is only one style of learning. Aside from learning styles, I will have students whose culture is unique from mine. As a teacher, it is my job to ensure that I am aware of my students’ culture and that I respect

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