Taxi Driver Disability

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Taxi Driver is an American Physiological Thriller and Drama directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is about a loner, Travis Bickle, who is played by Robert Di Nero. Travis is a recently discharged Marine who decides to be a taxi driver in New York City. He has chronic insomnia so he spends his nights driving and days in porn theaters. He becomes friends with Iris, played by Jodie Foster, who is a teenage prostitute. He eventually helps Iris get out of prostitution and back home to her family. Travis becomes more and more violent throughout the film; he attempts to assassinate a Senator at a rally and even kills several pimps. He even tries to commit suicide, but runs out of ammunition. Travis Bickle portrays several emotional and behavioral disabilities in the film, Taxi Driver. The Georgia Department of Education defines Emotional and Behavioral disorders as an “Emotional Disability characterized by an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers. A consistent or chronic inappropriate type of behavior or feelings under normal conditions, a displayed pervasive mood of …show more content…

At the very beginning of the film, the audience gets a clear understanding that he is a loner in the big city of New York. He withdrawals from world around him by driving his taxi, in which he feels alone while millions of people surround him each day. His time as a Marine leads us to believe that something had occurred while he was overseas during the Vietnam War. His inappropriate behavior is evident from his aggression towards others and even himself. His hyperactivity causes his wandering and constant destructive activity. The portrayal of his disability was a bit major, sure it is possible for someone to feel and do what Travis has done, but Scorsese seems to overly create the character and his disability. The audience is never told what has led up to Travis’ behavior, we can only

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