Tattoos Should Be Allowed In The Workplace

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Tattoos have been apart of our history for centuries, dating as far back as Neolithic times. In some cultures and tribes tattoos are an important part of their identity and traditions, but tattoos began to be associated with negativity in regards to criminals and sailors as time progressed and societies evolved. When average families started to settle down in the suburbs and the generation of baby boomers arrived, it would have been rare to meet an average citizen with a tattoo and it would have been viewed as extremely distasteful. Fast forward almost 70 years and today it’s rare to meet someone without a tattoo. Overall things have changed dramatically since the 50’s in every way, and especially socially; people of color had little to no …show more content…

Art has always been a cherished outlet for mankind, a story is told through various art types and the ideals a person or society might value, take ancient roman sculptures for example. Art is no different on the skin, and what’s even more unique about tattoos are that no two are ever completely alike, they’re unique to each individual. In a world that’s constantly changing, evolving, tattoos provide a sense of identity and permanency. Stated in “Tattoos are a unique form of expression and a significant part of many identities” by Liliana Mota for the Daily Titan, “People get tattoos for many reasons, whether it’s to honor a loved one, express themselves in a different way or represent something meaningful, every tattoo has a reason and a purpose. One such instance is when tattoos are used as a cover-up for bodily imperfections that cause one to feel self-conscious.” Even though tattoos are mainly a form of art and self expression for one’s individuality, it’s important not to disregard the concept that sometimes people simply want to cover something like a scar, birthmark or other physical imperfection in place with something beautiful. Speaking from experience the tattoos that I have were placed solely to cover up scars that I was indescribably insecure about for years, and since getting them I’ve gained so …show more content…

It’s just common sense there’s no direct correlation with any of those job required qualities to someone having a tattoo. Why turn down someone with potential and the ability to actually make a change, someone with the knowledge and capability to get something done simply based on their looks, more specifically for having visible tattoos. Stated in “Millennials are the smartest, richest generation — but they have it worse than their parents” by Melia Robinson for Business Insider, “Millennials are the smartest, richest, and potentially longest living generation of all time. Young people score higher on intelligence tests, which the report attributes to better nutrition and mass education. They go on to make more money than their elders, too.” While there may not be much evidence behind that statement, Progress over the last few decades can back that up. More importance is placed on education than ever before, the curriculum being taught today wasn’t the same or as easy as what our parents were taught. Today, young adults and teenagers have access to everything all at the tip of their fingers from their smartphones. The amount of people who go to college now has noticeably risen and the standardized testing has only gotten harder. Teenagers as young as 13 are educating themselves on heavy topics

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