Tattoo In Workplace

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Self-expression, something well known in the twenty first century; many people love to show their view on expression. In the twenty first century, most teens, influenced by social media, causes tattoos to grow tremendously. Tattoos, something that have stayed around for a long time and by getting them they can show someone’s story. No one should discriminate people by the tattoos they have. These people get tattoos to show everyone what they really believe in and what they really like. A marking on someone’s body does not always define them fully. Tattoos in the workplace, and everywhere else, will continue as ongoing trend that will just keep getting bigger and bigger. Tattoos in the workplace should have some type of allowance because they …show more content…

Thirty-six percent of eighteen to twenty-five year olds have tattoos. Forty percent of people with tattoos average from ages twenty-six to forty that have had them, and ten percent of forty-one to sixty-four year olds have all had tattoos. People are realizing that tattoos are growing and are going to continue to grow as teens start to get older. Most teens like to express them-selves and they see this as an easy opportunity to do so. Some companies don’t not have a strict policy on tattoos. In Ohio, the Shulman Rogers Gandal Pordy & Ecker, which is a large firm in Montgomery County, has “no explicit policy regarding visible body art” said David Pordy (Tattoos). Most companies are found to not be bothered by tattoos unless they are well known, they do not want just anyone representing them, if people want to mark up their body they should be able to, no one can tell them they cannot have something. Most people think that “Inked and pierced job seekers could be sidelined, even when they hold a college degree or strong resume” (Painful) just because of where they got the tattoos. These tattoos that can hurt them while finding a job would be on places such as on someone’s neck, face, or hands. Most people that get tattoos make sure they do not get them in certain places, so that in the future there should not be a problem. Just because you have tattoos does not mean you are not good enough …show more content…

People should not be discriminated for the things they put on their body. As a person, they are enforcing their morals and judgment on these types of things. People tell others that tattoos are a distraction and show how people can be seen as “bad”. We have realized that a teacher can be discriminated against, due to their tattoos too, but yet it is their body so there should not be a problem. People think that “If teachers can’t wear them, we might as well tell the parents to cover all theirs in front of the kids also” (Solochek). There are double standards when it come to the work place and when people are at home. There should be no difference, people are expressing their-selves and show their individuality. People are discriminated for many things that have nothing to do with others. It makes no sense, of why someone cannot have a tattoo without someone else saying something about it. Technically once someone turns eight-teen they have the right to do what every they want to them-selves because they are legally an adult and are now on their own. Discrimination plays a big role in today’s society and many people are looked at as bad for the littlest things, or for who their parents and family are. Tattoos are supposed to be an escape for many people so they can show their creativity, what they like and how they want to be seen. People get tattoos thinking

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