Tattoo Culture

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Tattoo origins go far back in history, thousands of years and it has a deeper meaning than many of us know. The perception of the tattoo differs from generation to generation, culture and religion also plays a major role in the world of "body art". According to the Oxford dictionary the word tattoo means a “Mark (a part of the body) with an indelible design by inserting pigment (Inc) into punctures in the skin". The word Tattoo derived from the Polynesian, formerly it was called Tattoe which later became known as tattoo. The technique for making a tattoo was to take animal bone and spike it until it got sharp as a needle, then they dipped the sharp part in paint and then hammered into the skin with a small hummer made out of bone. Making a …show more content…

It is believed that the most wide spread tattoo is the one which was developed in Polynesia and then spread all over the world via the sailors. There is another kind of tattoo that is made In the same way and called "daqq" you find this tattoo mostly in Egypt, India, Iran and Iraq, the word "daqq" means "strike" or "knock" and is the way of making the tattoo by puncture, this tattoo was mostly found among Beduins and then got divided into two kinds of tattoos. The first one is decorative tattoo where the name says itself, to adorn the body. And the second is "Magic" or "therapeutic" tattoo and its reasons are to heal, this means that they did a tattoo for example to remove a prolonged headache, or if they had fertility problems then they tattooed points .at the appointed place. This kind of tattoo is rarely observed among the upper class and its despised by city-dweller of the lower class as well the tribe people still estimate it.*** Todays tattoo can also go under two groups, the first one is decorative and the second esthetic. estethic tattos is the ones people do for exapl to fill their eyebrows or lip countur, even to hide scars can help with a tattoo. Decorative tattoos today is a way of expressing their views, position, love for something or somone or to carry a fond memory of beloved ones

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