Tap Water Evaporation Hypothesis

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The hypothesis for this experiment was, If three different types of waters (saltwater, fresh water, tap water) are tested, then the liquids won’t evaporate at the same rate and tap water will evaporate at the fastest rate because it won’t have any non-volatile substances to hold it back from evaporating.
This hypothesis was supported by the data found because 2 out of the 3 trials done, tap water evaporated the most over the 5 day period. For the first trial, saltwater lost 96 grams, stream water lost 98 grams, and tap water lost 100 grams. For the second trial, saltwater lost 67 grams, stream water lost 70 grams, and tap water lost 69 grams. For the third and final trial, saltwater lost 71 grams, stream water lost 72 grams, and tap water

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