Tangerine Paul Fisher Quotes

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“The dream lives on twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, twelve months a year. The dream has four years at a big-time college ahead of it. And who knows maybe even the NFL.” (Bloor, Page 212). Tangerine is a realistic fiction novel by the author, Edward Bloor, talks about the struggles of a young boy named Paul Fisher. Paul Fisher rises through the problems he encounters, first starting off as a cowardly and timid boy to a brave and strong person. The book Tangerine reflects how the consequences of Erik Fisher, Paul’s brother, effect Paul after Erik injured his eyes, punched his friend, and ignores him. Erik and his friend, Arthur, make fun of Paul’s friend, Tino and the other children for being farm-labors through remarks such as, "Look at this. I think it's great that these farm-labor kids get to spend a day away from the fields. "(Bloor, Page 204). Tino gets mad at his rude and impolite comments so he makes fun of Erik and his humiliating play in football. Erik can not handle the humiliation and disrespect that he is getting and punches Tino. After punching Tino, he goes back into the Throughout the story, he makes fun of Paul by calling him a martian. Erik always gets more attention than Paul because he plays football and not soccer. He is spoiled because he never gets in trouble with his parents for hurting Paul. He likes to hurt whoever he pleases. Erik shows no respect to his family because he was the first born, the “golden child” and abuses his power of never getting into trouble. Erik’s goon named Arthur is ordered to hurt Luis, one of Paul’s friends. In the process of hurting Luis, Arthur hit him too hard with a blackjack and ended up killing him. Erik never got in trouble for what he has done to Paul and finally gets it when the police comes to arrest Arthur for killing Luis. Erik shows no respect to his family because he was the first born, the “golden child” and abuses his power of never getting in

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