Tally Facing The Future Analysis

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A giant flying machine from the Rusty Era which causes a big windstorm with its spinning disk appears. It hovers around and then leaves without finding Tally in the river. Unfortunately, the flying machine does accidentally rip up Tally's sleeping bag. But the board is fine, so Tally rides one more night until she reaches a branch in the river. Which branch to take? Shay's note says to "take the side you despise" and Tally remembers that day when Tally and Shay talked about face options in "Facing the Future." And Tally despises the right side of her face, so she takes the right branch of the river. Good choice, because by the end of that night, Tally finds herself in a landscape full of white flowers. And the next part of Shay's clue is …show more content…

Her hands are all raw and blistery, so it's about time. David takes Tally to see a collapsed tunnel and all the railroad tracks buried under there. The boulders seem pretty solid, but Tally thinks about how a small shift would bring down all that weight on them—which sounds (to her) a lot like Dr. Cable and the city (crushing her). David brought her here because he can tell that she's taking this seriously. Some other runaways just think about this like a fun adventure, like camping out for a while. But for David, this place is home—he was born here, since his parents were runaways. And so Tally thinks that she can't call Dr. Cable because that would destroy David's …show more content…

She feels like the orchid—a destructive weed that ruins everything. But David wants to talk to her about how special he thinks she is. See, she's the first runaway to come all by herself, which gives her 100 bravery points, because she left everything she knew behind. David is also impressed that Tally did this all just out of friendship for Shay; and David trusts Tally because of how happy she was to see Shay when they met again. All this nice talk makes Tally feel something for David that she never felt for an ugly before. He even begins to look a little pretty to her. And Tally is so serious about the Smoke—unlike Shay—that David wants her to meet his parents and learn. Chapter 30- The Secret So David takes Tally to his parents' cabin, which is outside of the Smoke. David calls his parents "mom" and "dad," which is weird. ( Tally calls her parents by their names.) Also, weirdly, David looks like his parents. In the city, all those bizarre family traits get removed—like, no one has really big ears or a big nose or frizzy hair. David's parents Maddy and Az are doctors who have a secret. And they're a little annoyed at David because he brought Tally here and they don't like to tell their secret. Chapter 31- Pretty

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