Tale Of Two Cities Sacrifice Essay

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The novel A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens and takes place in England and France during the late eighteenth century. Despite the horrors of the guillotine, gestures of humanity were shown, especially through Sydney Carton when he sacrificed himself for Charles Darnay. In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens exemplifies the natural goodness of the characters Charles Darnay, Dr. Manette, and Sydney Carton in Book 2, Chapter 18, Book 3, Chapter 15, by showing many acts of sacrifice. Doctor Manette has been a victim of sacrifice for the better. When Darnay reveals his past as an aristocrat, Dr. Manette's mental stability wavers because he is reminded of his past in the Bastille. Being revealed to this information has affected him so much that after he finished talking with Darnay, Dr. Manette "was so deadly pale" (page 149). Although being shared with this new information, Dr. Manette still allows the marriage between Darnay and Lucie. He sacrifices his mentality for his daughter's happiness. Even though the Evremonde family is the reason for his imprisonment, Dr. Manette still accepts Darnay's past because it doesn't define who he really is. He is accepting those bad memories and that they are a part of him. Dr. Manette is essentially taking those negative memories and turning them into something positive. When Darnay was arrested for the second time, Dr. Manette realized that he is going through the same thing that he went through himself and focused. him. In the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, sacrifice is portrayed as a significant and meaningful act, regardless of its size. The story teaches us that love can be the driving force behind sacrifice. Both Sydney Carton and Dr. Manette made sacrifices for Lucie's happiness because of their love for her. Similarly, Darnay sacrificed himself for Gabelle due to his sense of familial love towards him.

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