Tale Of The Monkey King

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This next tale is a very important tale because of the main theme which is teaching. Teachings in Buddhism are very important because they are what help a young Buddhist attain nirvana or enlightenment. Some teachings in the Buddhist community are very hard to learn or even to complete because of the high level of experience you need to handle these teachings. In Buddhism it is said that when a true Buddha enters our world you need to get teachings directly from him so that those teachings will bring you to enlightenment because that Buddha has already reached it. What better way to learn how to get to enlighten than to learn from someone who is already there. This tale is called the Wise One and it starts with the bodhisattva as a wandering …show more content…

The tale of the monkey’s king starts off with the bodhisattva being born as a monkey king who lived in a tree with the rest of his monkey subjects. This tree that they lived in was not an ordinary tree, but a tree that bears a fruit that was very special to the monkeys and the world. In this tree there was a branch that extended over the river that it was next to. The monkey king had told his fellow monkeys that they need to make sure that this branch never has fruit on it or therefore they will not be able to enjoy all of the fruit in the tree. The monkeys listened to the wise words of their leader and continued to make sure that the branch that hung over the river would not bear fruit. One day there was a fruit that grew on the far end of the branch that the monkeys did notice. Finally the fruit dropped into the stream below and flowed down stream until it bumped into a king who was in the river. The king picked up the fruit and had never seen, smelled, or tasted a fruit with such a magnificent flavor. The king decided that this fruit must be found because it was only fit for a king. The King gathered a large group of men who then travelled with the king upstream to find the source of the fruit. Eventually the king found the tree where the fruit had come from, only for him to see that there were monkeys who lived in this tree. The men decided that to get this fruit they must attack the monkeys so that they may feast upon the fruits of the tree. The soldiers attacked the monkeys killing and injuring a large amount of the monkeys. The monkey king knew that his people would suffer if he did not handle the situation so he hatched a plan to save his fellow monkeys. The king climbed to the top of the tree where he makes

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